Strict security measures have been adopted ahead of Ashura day in Abbottabad after the Peshawar blast. In this regard DIG Hazara region, Zulfiqar Cheema held an emergency meeting with DPOs of all the five districts of Hazara division and chalked out a special security plan for the 9th and 10th Muharram-ul-Haram.
Special security passes have been issued by DPO Abbottabad to witness the Ashura procession in the city. Media people were also issued special passes to cover the event. No one would be allowed to enter the cordoned off zone for security reasons. Special surveillance close circuit cameras have been installed on the routes of Ashura procession to monitor the activities throughout the proceedings.
Abbottabad DPO Dr Ishtiaq Marwat has said that extra police contingents would be deployed in and around city to avoid any untoward incident. He advised people to stay at home and avoid any unnecessary visit to the area where Ashura procession is underway. He also asked people to call Rescue 15 if they observe any suspicious activity or see any suspicious thing or person.