Thai share prices closed slightly higher on Wednesday, led by gains on Wall Street and buying of energy-linked shares, dealers said. But they said the broader market was kept in check after Hong Kong stocks fell sharply in line with a drop in Chinese shares amid fresh concerns over the danger of a bubble forming in the stock market.
The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) composite index rose 0.55 points or 0.08 percent to 654.04, while the blue chip SET 50 index gained 0.23 points to 456.89.
Losers led gainers 164 to 157 and 115 stocks were unchanged on turnover of 2.32 billion shares worth 8.3 billion baht (231 million dollars). The Thai baht closed at 35.81-83 to the dollar, unchanged from Tuesday's 35.80-81. Against the euro, the Thai unit finished at 46.31-34 after 46.32-40.
"The market held firm because of gains in the energy sector and a rise in the US market," said Wiriya Lappromrattana, a senior market analyst at Kiatnakin Securities.
But Wiriya said buying slowed down in the afternoon session as sentiment dampened following sharp falls in Hong Kong and Chinese shares. Thailand's largest energy firm PTT rose 1.00 baht to 199.00, and its subsidiary PTT Exploration and Production gained 1.50 to 94.50. Thai Oil added 0.50 to 57.50.
Top lender Bangkok Bank fell 3.00 to 106.00 and the third-largest bank Kasikorn Bank slipped 0.50 to 59.50. Flag carrier Thai Airways International edged up 0.50 to 44.00.