"Meera was asked to join politics."
"Meera who?"
"An actress."
"By whom?"
"What do you mean?"
"Which party asked her to join politics?"
"She said all of them had."
"Goes to show the politics of our politicians."
"Indeed, but would you vote for Meera?"
"Well, she won't do any more or less than what the other politicians do. And she at least is good to look at."
"True but why would the Lotas ask her to join? I mean..."
"You mean their victory is guaranteed after Musharraf is reelected."
"Right, it's not as if they are going to get her to stand from an unsafe seat and..."
"Maybe that's what they want to do. Get her to stand against Nawaz Sharif or Benazir, you know and then if there is rigging who knows what the results would turn out to be."
"And why would BB want her?"
"The Jiyalas may but there is no indication that she was offered the ticket. I would find it hard to believe that BB actually called Pakistan and asked Meera to join her party."
"And why would Nawaz Sharif offer her a ticket?"
"Nawaz Sharif always thought he was a ladies man and now with his flowing mane of hair I am sure that feeling has strengthened if you know what I mean."
"And what about the Maulanas? Do you think they offered her a ticket?"
"Hmmm. That's a tough one, they might deny it."
"Right but what is their credibility after all their run-ins with Musharraf and the Opposition."
"And what about our Brown Sahib? Would he have offered her a ticket?"
"Brown Sahib would offer a ticket to anyone who he believes may win - see he has few winners."
"That's true. So, maybe, that's the party Meera should join!"