BRIDGE NOTES: American pair shows modern skilful play

17 Mar, 2007

The breed of bridge players since nineteen eighties, is generally known to be more well equipped with modern techniques and conventions of the game which made them wiser and more perfectionist than their predecessors.
The improvement in systems and conventions over the years relates to refinement that weaved into a pleasant pattern in both biddings and methods of plays. Despite modern techniques and innovations the basic rules of tactical approach to the bidding remain more or less the same, as propounded by the pioneers of the game, like Ely Culbertson and Charls Goran etc which still serve as guiding light for playing good bridge. However, the innovative tackling of different combination of card deals, no doubt, has added some new dimensions to ensure success of the contracts.
One of such approaches in play of cards was exhibited by a pair of American bridge stalwarts namely Jeff Meckstroth and Eric Rodwell during the course of witty bidding to preempt the opposing Norwegian pair of Geir Helgemo and Boye Brogeland, in the final match in Bermuda Bowl 1997. The new approach to declarer's play produced amazing results which ended with a successful maneuver By Meckstroth.
The bidding and complete deal is reproduced below which deserve appreciation in silencing the opponents who could have entered the fray to make a contract of four spades without any problem if the convenient bidding space was available to them.
West led Diamond 7
When the dummy came down Meckstroth cast a fastidious look and took a long pause before playing small diamond from dummy. Helgemo who was sitting in east position played the queen which won the trick, then he returned a diamond, the South discarded a heart to the amazement of the East. The South won the trick in dummy with the diamond ace and played back a small heart, the East played low heart and the South played the queen which was won by the West with the king of hearts. The West played diamond jack that was ruffed small by South in hand. At this point the South played a small trump to the king in dummy on which the East dropped the queen. Now the stage was perfect for ruffing finesse and accordingly he moved the jack heart that was covered by the East with the king which was ruffed by the South. After having played the ace of trump entered the dummy with the ace of spades discarded a losing spade on the ten of heart, thus bringing home the contract of five club with a triumphant smile.

North West East South
S A 98 S K 753 S QJ 62 S 104
H J 10652 H K 8 H A 974 H Q 3
D A 102 D KJ 974 D Q 863 D 5
C K 8 C J 2 C Q C AJ 1097654


South West North East
Meckstroth Brogeland Rodwell Helgemo
4 C Pass 5 C Pass
Pass Pass - -

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