PBA flays attack on journalists

15 Apr, 2007

Pakistan Broadcasters Association, in a press release, has strongly condemned and deplored the unwarranted attack on journalists and camera crew of ARY TV, KTN, Indus News, and Sindh TV, while they were covering the protest rallies in Karachi and Islamabad on Friday.
It was utterly unfortunate that not only the cameras and equipment of these media men were damaged, they sustained serious physical injuries as well. Unprovoked beating meted out to the journalists who were only discharging their professional duties is an unjustifiable act of violence against an important pillar of the civil society.
Taking note of the apologies tendered by the representative bodies of lawyers and a political party, PBA emphasised on all concerned that the camera crew and the journalists are performing their professional role in a charged and difficult atmosphere.
This requires accommodative and co-operative behaviour from both the protestors as well as the law enforcing agencies. This sometimes requires placement of equipment mounted on stands and vehicles to be in the middle of a procession/demonstration instead in the sideline.
Tolerance and shunning violence of any kind truly guarantees a functioning democracy. PBA urged both the law enforcing agencies and the civil society arbitrators to let the media do its work objectively in an unhindered manner.-PR

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