The Central Board of Revenue (CBR) has announced concessionary rate of customs duty and sales tax exemption on the import of 56 different types of diagnostic kits/equipment. The CBR on Saturday issued SRO.328(I)/2007 to amend SRO. 575(I)/2006 to facilitate import of diagnostic kits, equipment, HIV kits and one touch strips for sugar test.
According to the notification, 5 percent customs duty and sales tax exemption would be applicable on the import of following diagnostic kits/equipment: HIV kits; 4C Es Trionyx; 5C Cell control Lnormal; Bovine precision multisera; pregnancy test; DNA SSP DRB GenricIC; Retic C control tri pak; Immulite Vitamin B12 kit; immulite ferritin kit; HEV combi elevys; ID-DA Cell; Urisys ; Albumin bcg; Cratinin sysi; Cobas amplikcor a Ring; Cobas amplicor detektiion cups; ISE Standard low; Alp ifcc sys; Bilirubin sys kit; Hdl C plus sys; Ck mb sys; Ck nac sys; Glulcose sys kit; Ammonia Modular; Lac Unisys; Ldh sys kit; Urea uv syskit; Ua plus sys; Tina quant a hba ic Unisys; Crp n control; Aslo tin quant a modular Cfas proteins u; Cfas lipids; Preciath Hdl/ldl chol; Precinorm protein kit; Precipath U; Controlset RFII; Cfas pac; Palb ceru control; HCV cobas; UIBC 717 System; U/CSF Unysitergent; Phosphorus Inorg sys kit; Kit ampl ic det; Ige rp elecysys; Lc hsv 1/2 detect; Oligo abs; Quicklyte NA/K/CL; Axym Hcy; Standard oligo; Hla B27; Omniscan id liss Coombs; Typhidot; Lineprobe HCV amp; Medi sense strips and 5 percent customs duty and sales tax exemption would be applicable on the import of one touch strips for sugar test.
Through another notification, the CBR has specified that the exemption of customs duty on the import of material and equipment would be available only to companies which hold concession agreement for construction and operation of the Gwadar Port and development of Free Zone for the Gwadar Port and Ship Bunker Oils bought and sold to the ships calling at/visiting the Gwadar Port.
The Ports & Shipping Ministry shall certify in the prescribed manner and format that the imported materials and equipment are bona fide requirement for construction and operation of the Gwadar Port and development of Free Zone for the Gwadar Port.
The authorised officer of the ministry shall furnish all relevant information online to Pakistan Customs Computerised System (PaCCS) against a specific user ID and password obtained under section 155D of the Customs Act, 1969. In already computerised collectorate or customs station where the PaCCS is not operational, the project director or any other person authorised by the collector in this behalf shall enter the requisite information in the Customs Computerised System on daily basis, whereas entry of the data obtained from the customs stations which have not yet been computerised shall be made on weekly basis, provided that this condition shall not apply to ship bunker oils and the goods so imported shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of without prior approval of the CBR and payment of customs duties and taxes leviable at the time of import, provided that this condition shall not apply to ship bunker oils.