Total investment under Continuous Funding System (CFS), after touching its all time level of Rs 54.78 billion on Monday, stood at Rs 54.6 billion on the last trading session of the outgoing week as compared to Rs 54.7 billion on the same day previously. The CFS investment continues to operate close to its ceiling levels of Rs 55 billion during the week.
The CFS rates were witnessed at 11.85 percent, up by 10bps from 11.75 percent recorded in the previous week. Out of the total CFS investment, about 49 percent (Rs 26.5 billion) remained in the five stocks namely PPL, OGDC, NBP, POL and DGKC.
Open interest at the futures counter on Friday (May 04) improved slightly to Rs 8.3 billion as compared to Rs 7.2 billion last Friday (April 27). However, futures spreads came down to 3.90 percent on Friday this week from last week''''s closing of 5.18 percent.
Average futures volumes slumped by 26 percent to 57.61 million shares from 77.55 million shares last week primarily due to end of rollover week. Companies in the top five ranking were OGDC, PPL, NBP, POL and MCB, which contributed around 54 percent to the total open interest.