No smoking day observed at UVAS

01 Jun, 2007

The staff and students of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore observed no-smoking day here on Thursday and pledged to make the campus smoke-free zone. To realise the health hazards of smoking, a lecture titled "Smoke-free Campus" was arranged in the university auditorium.
Vice-chancellor Professor Dr Muhammad Nawaz spoke about the biological and social effects of smoking. He said that a cigarette has 3,000 chemicals including nicotine, which are injurious to health. He said that smoking causes blood pressure, infertility, cancer, gastric ulcer and heart diseases. He added that smoking also causes social problems and disturbs family life of an individual.
The vice-chancellor said that smoking was already banned in the university and urged the students and employees to help ensure make the campus smoke-free. He said that no medicines were required to quit smoking, saying it is only the determination of an individual to leave this menace. He stressed the smokers to leave the smoking habit right from now to make the atmosphere healthier for you and others too. A large number of students and university employees attended the seminar.

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