PCMEA seeks government support

02 Jun, 2007

The executive committee of Pakistan Carpet Manufacturers and Exporters Association (PCMEA) in an emergent meeting has shown serious concern over the 13 percent decline in the exports of hand-knotted carpets during the period July/April 2006-07 as compared to the corresponding period of the year 2005-06.
The committee unanimously decided that the Prime Minister of Pakistan should be requested to help out the carpet industry by announcing remedial steps in the budget 2007-08. They proposed to announce a special package for the uplift of carpet industry in the budget to safeguard the livelihood of 1.5 million poor workers of Pakistan carpet industry. The meeting also urged the government to reduce the export refinance to a reasonable level and approve six percent research and development for the industry.
The association also urged to issue instruction for the approval of additional funds required for the completion of carpet training institute at Lahore. The members also demanded of the government to allot land for setting up of Carpet City in Lahore and Karachi.

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