Movement has entered decisive phase: Badr

02 Jun, 2007

The lawyers' movement would not only reinstate Chief Justice but also make judiciary independent and restore true democracy in Pakistan, said Jahangir Badr, Secretary General of Pakistan Peoples Party here on Friday.
This movement has entered into a decisive stage and has pushed present regime to wall, Badr said while addressing Rawalpindi District Bar after attending the hunger strike camp of the lawyers in district courts to show solidarity with them. President District Bar Raja Khalid Ismael presided over the meeting while President High Court Bar Sardar Asmatullah, Sajid Ilyas, Raja Asif Raza, Abdul Hameed Malik and Intizar Shah also addressed the meeting.
"This movement is unprecedented and would give salvation to country from dictatorship once for all", Jahangir Badr said adding that complete unity among lawyers and solidarity of political parties is real strength of the movement and it would reach to its destination soon.
He said that in Ayub era students launched a movement and later political parties, civil society and workers joined them and forced Ayub Khan to come down. He said that the government had planned to kill Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on May 12 in Karachi, but people have frustrated this ugly design of government and proved that they would resist any negative move in country.
He said that Pervez Musharraf has collected all looters, mafia men, land mafia members and hooligans around him and by providing them fake degrees he want to prolong his rule. But, he added that these tricks would not help Musharraf to remain in power.
He said that PPP would not leave lawyers alone not allow anyone to hijack this strong movement of lawyers. He praised the courage of lawyers in general and lawyers of Rawalpindi particular saying that lawyers of Rawalpindi have central role in this movement.
Badr said that on May 12 people were being killed and maimed in Karachi and game of loot and arson continue while rulers were busy in dancing after spending Rs 550 million of tax money of people. Badr turned down any deal with government saying that Benazir Bhutto would arrive in Pakistan soon after government announce the elections schedule.

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