Partly Facetious: are they turning Imran into real leader?

02 Jun, 2007

"I never thought Imran would make it as a politician."
"He has - again because of the decisions taken by the government in its infinite wisdom."
"Well, wisdom is in short supply these days, revenge in long supply if you will."
"But why stop the guy from going to Karachi - surely Imran has not been a crowd gatherer as a politician."
"I think the government did because it could. That's the reason."
"Right I mean Imran is not going to create a situation like the Chief Justice, whether he is non-functional or on forced leave..."
"If only politicians learnt to say sorry we made a mistake."
"If wishes were horses..."
"We are in for some exciting politics. Ironic isn't it that it is a member of the judiciary who may..."
"Hush anti-state..."
"Have they heard of leader fatigue?"
"So they may create Imran as a leader?"
"Well, look at our history. Nawaz Sharif was created a leader by Zia - at that time Nawaz Sharif was more loyal than the proverbial king. Then there was Musharraf himself, he emerged as a leader courtesy Nawaz Sharif and now we have Iftikhar Chaudhry..."
"So where is the lesson learned?"
"So you reckon Imran will file a case in the UK against Altaf Hussain."
"He may have been persuaded otherwise but I don't think it is likely now after the decision to bar him from Sindh."
"So they achieved just the opposite of what they wanted?"
"Welcome to the politics of the government in Pakistan."

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