Tax refund fraud cases detected in Punjab

05 Jun, 2007

The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has detected hundreds of cases in Punjab where sales tax refunds have been fraudulently given. Some officials of General Sales Tax colectorates were also found guilty of corruption. Under the GST law, no businessman can be de-registered without first depositing the money due to the state.
The NAB authorities are reported to have collected data on such businessmen, with clear indications that they were first-given refunds and rebates on bogus exports. Investigations are afoot to technically determine how such money was given out and who allowed the scores of businessmen to run away by de-registering from the tax ledgers.
There have recently been scores of cases where the Customs Intelligence, the NAB and the Audit Wing of the Central Board of Revenue have been listing methods of illegal payments and names of the officials involved.
According to information available here, NAB has taken over the records of the CARE Customs Pilot Project in Karachi while the Customs Intelligence has made action plan for retrieving public money from businessmen who were paid over the past couple of years.

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