AJK cottage industry uplift: maximum usage of local raw material planned

05 Jun, 2007

Azad Jammu and Kashmir government is paying special attention to promote the cottage industries in the liberated area under the broad-based phased industrial development programme, official sources said.
The sources told APP here on Monday that the government had evolved an integrated plan for maximum utilisation of local raw material to boost industry in AJK. The plan is also aimed at to generate a big portion of income in form of suitable profit through maximum utilisation of locally produced raw material for various cottage industry products for local marketing as for export purposes.
The AJK government has directed the departments of Azad Kashmir Logging and Sawmills Corporation (AKLASC), Forest and Industries to focus fullest attention to achieve the goal.
The government has directed the state-run AKLASC to expand the functioning of the AKLASC mills in Mirpur by producing quality furniture and other wooden products for use in the construction of building in the private as well as public sectors. The heads of the public sector institution have also been advised to concentrate on better marketing of the AKLASC's products.
The government has directed the public servants of various nation-building departments to focus for performing their duties with zeal and under the spirit of hard working to strengthen the national economy on better footings.
It may be mentioned here that the world's best furniture and other related wooden products for building could be made of the highly valuable and quality timber available in AJK generate maximum income for the national exchequer.

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