Brazilian cocoa arrivals down

07 Jun, 2007

Brazilian 2007/08 (May/April) cocoa arrivals from Bahia and other states totalled 245,868 60-kg bags by June 3, down 20.5 percent from 309,646 bags a year ago, Bahia Commercial Association said on Wednesday.
The association said that Bahia state, Brazil's main cocoa producer, delivered 48,488 bags in the week to June 3, compared with 89,656 bags during the same period last year. "Arrivals both from Bahia and from other states levelled off compared to last week, which was disappointing, since a gradual growth had been expected," cocoa analyst Thomas Hartmann said in a weekly report.
He added that the figures raise doubts whether Bahia's midcrop would exceed last year's performance. Following Tuesday's light rains and some very sparse showers forecast on Thursday in the northern areas, the weather over Bahia's cocoa region is due to turn dry and sunny until early next week.

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