(CUSTOMS) SRO 497(I)/2007

11 Jun, 2007

Text of (CUSOTMS) SRO 497(I)/2007.


Islamabad, the 9th June, 2007


In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in its Notification No SRO 655(I)/2006, dated the 22nd June, 2006, namely:
In the aforesaid Notification,
(1) in the conditions;
(i) the entries relating to condition (iv) shall be omitted;
(ii) for the condition (vi) and entries relating thereto the following shall be substituted, namely.-
" (vi) the Chief officer of importing company or his authorised officer shall furnish all relevant information online to EDB as per 'Form B';"
(iii) for the condition (vii) and entries relating thereto the following shall be substituted, namely.-
"(vii) for shifting of quota debiting from paper based registers to PACCS, the following methodology shall be adopted:
(a) the EDB shall update PACCS regarding valid quotas issued under this notification;
(b) the clearance Collectorate maintaining quota registers shall update PACCS regarding already cleared quantities and quota debiting on paper registers shall stop thenceforth. This one-time exercise shall be undertaken immediately by the Customs Collectorates at the intimation from EDB;
(c) from then on the quota shall be debited on GD to GD basis. In case quota-type Goods Declaration is filed on PACCS, quota shall be debited automatically. In case GD is filed in non-PACCS environment, the Assistant Collector of the customs Station shall update PACCS immediately after allowing the GD out of charge of Customs; and
(d) all new quotas shall be allocated online by EDB on PACCS only.
(iv) after condition (x), the following new conditions shall be added namely.-
"(xi) the importer-cum-manufacturer may also get manufactured any of the sub-component and component, from the raw materials mentioned in the Input Output Ratio Certificate (IORC) duly approved by EDB, for the vehicles mentioned in Column 2 of the Table I below, from another manufacturer (sub-vendor), duly registered with Sales Tax department, having suitable in-house facility. In such case.
(a) the sub-vendor shall have a firm contract with the importer-cum-manufacturer;
(b) the importer-cum-manufacturer may provide the imported raw materials to the sub-vendor for the manufacture of sub-components and components for the vehicles mentioned in Column 2 of the Table below, for which Input Output Ratio is duly approved by EDB;
(c) the sub-vendor shall not be entitled to import any of the raw materials under this SRO for manufacturing of sub-components and components to be supplied to the importer-cum-assembler or manufacturer;
(d) the sub-vendor after manufacturing the sub- components and components supply them only to the importer-cum-manufacturer with whom he held a firm contract; and
(e) the sub-vendor shall also maintain proper record of the raw materials consumed or utilised and sub- components and components supplied to the importer-cum-manufacturer; and
(2) for Form A, Form B and Certificate the following shall be substituted, namely.

[See condition (v)]
(To be filled in by the authorised officer of Engineering Development Board
Header information
Name NTN/STN of importer Approval No
Details of input goods (to be filled by the authorised officer of Engineering Development Board
HS Description Grade & Total UOM Custom Duty rate (applicable)
Code Specifications Quantity (Tariff)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

[See condition (vi)]
(To be filled in by the Chief Executive of the importing company)
Name & address of the Importer NTN/STN
S.No H.S. Description Grade & Applicable Quantity Unit (Tariff) Total
Code Specifications rate of duty Per Nos. Total Value Unit of value in
Unit of measure Pak
Units Rupees
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Signature of Chief Executive
Name of Chief Executive _______________
N.I.C No ________________________________
(3). This notification shall take effect on 10th June, 2007.
[C. No 2 (17) I.I &Tariff-III/2007]
Additional Secretary
(Vakil Ahmad Khan) Member
(Direct Taxes)
Additional Secretary

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