Iranian team visits GCU

12 Jun, 2007

A three member delegation led by General Manager of Foreign Students of the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology Iran Agha Yazdan Panah, on Monday visited GC University (GCU) Lahore and met Vice-chancellor Professor Dr Khalid Aftab.
During the meeting, matters pertaining to promotion of education between GCU Lahore and Iranian universities came under discussion. Professor Dr Khalid Aftab apprised the visiting guests about the academic infrastructure and congenial learning environment of the university.
Agha Yazdan Panah inquired about the layout academic plan of GCU and was pleased to know the extension of quality education offered to the students of GCU, especially, he took keen interest in different centres of excellence established at GCU ie Institute of Industrial Bio-Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS), Management Studies Department and Sustainable Development Study Centre.
Agha Yazdan Panah was accompanied by Agha Momini and Vice Consul of the Consulate General of Iran, Lahore Agha Hossein Rahimi while Vice-chancellor GCU Professor Dr Khalid Aftab was assisted by registrar GCU, dean faculty of languages and Islamic learning, dean faculty of science and technology, dean faculty of arts and social sciences, chairperson Persian department, director academic planning and external links.
Agha Yazdan Panah hoped for academic interaction between GCU and Iranian universities to help forge better academic collaboration which eventually pave the way in enhancing research and knowledge sharing activities.

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