Mango growers hail budget

12 Jun, 2007

President of the Mango Growers Association Pakistan Zahid Hussain Gardezi has said that the budget proposals for agriculture sector are good, yet they fall short off the desired allocations and attention to develop agro economy by the government.
He said it is wisely admitted by the worthy minister finance that 60 percent of our population is associated with agriculture and that agriculture has played a significant role in development of Pakistan. What is conspicuously missing is the road map for a prosperous farmer or 60 percent of Pakistan civil society.
The subsidy on DAP is a good decision as phosphatic fertilisers are strongly recommended for soil fertility in Pakistan, yet no apparatus or incentive has been proposed for manufacturing of this fertiliser in Pakistan which makes the subsidy pronouncement as ad-hoc arrangement.
Moreover the profiteers and hoarders have never passed on the subsidy so widely revealed to the farmers, as there has been no substantial mechanism in fertiliser marketing to prevent such misfortunes.
The subsidy on electricity for tube-wells will definitely benefit 25 percent of affordable farmers fortunate to have electricity energised tube-wells as small farmers do not afford electricity, the rest of 75 percent tube-wells run on diesel will share their fate with escalating oil pricing. Moreover as energy is a source for development of overall economy, water is the major sustenance for agriculture. As no allocations have been made for much needed new water reservoirs there was a need to facilitate farmers through budgetary allocations for contemporary irrigation practices of drip and trickle.
The budget has allocated handsome amount for livestock in line with President Musharraf vision to bring white revolution in diary and livestock sector but the phobia of decadent horticulture sector especially fruit has not been addressed.
The mango maladies of fruitlessness and quick decline are taking heavy toll. Poor and insufficient returns to the growers are another major symptoms of misfortunes for the growers.
It is true new farm to market roads, sufficient new markets and utility stores at union council level will all support farmers in getting better prices of their produce, but what has been ignored is the refrigeration plan for Pakistan.
The global marketing anomalies with Pakistan emanates from non-existent supply chain segment where refrigerated transportation and storage of perishables in mandatory for value added returns. No budget has been specifically allocated to refrigerate Pakistan Agriculture Marketing.
The agriculture, especially horticulture research and development has not been sufficiently financed, the fears of unforeseen mango maladies and catastrophe loom large as Pakistan is yet devoid of a fully functional Mango Research Institute.
Zahid Hussain Gardezi said that the relief given on essential items of utility would benefit the end users if these were implemented in letter and spirit. The budget has not been developed on long-term basis but for a shorter term it is a better budget reflective of overconfidence of the government for excessive spending.

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