Privatisation should be or shouldn't be?

12 Jun, 2007

Privatisation is a conversion of ownership from the government sector to the private sector. The idea is implemented as one of the preventive measures to reduce foreign burden, eliminate poverty and to save our economy from the decline of major industries of Pakistan.
But unfortunately, we haven't achieved our targets completely, as we had planned, although we have succeeded in retiring our debt burden. But the situation is not overall satisfactory. Because in the recent privatisation, poverty increased because of unemployment and higher rates, we didn't eliminate poverty, but we are infront of the poverty line.
Another view is that those industries about which we thought that, due to privatisation, their performance had become better, but the result was quite opposite.
The performances are still the same for instance KESC performance is the same it was before, but has become even worse and PTCL is also not providing good service and lower rates. Instead other GSM companies are providing better services. Now I just want the Government should rethink the policy of privatisation to protect national interest and its achievement.

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