Fata ADP fund raised to Rs 10 billion

15 Jun, 2007

NWFP governor Lieutenant General Ali Muhammad Jan Aurakzai (Retd) has said that fund for Fata Annual Development Programme (ADP) had been raised to Rs 10 billion for the next financial year, adding that this will greatly enhance the development process in tribal areas.
He urged upon the tribesmen to maintain peace and extend co-operation to the government so that the process of development goes unhindered and the government's effort for the progress and prosperity of the tribal populace bears fruits.
Addressing a representative tribal Jirga of Ali Khel tribe of Orakzai Agency here at the Governor House on Thursday, the Governor said that a mega development programme for the sustainable development of Fata had also been prepared, which envisaged spending of Rs 124 billion over the next nine years. The plan, he maintained, will ensure completion of big projects in almost all the sectors, which would bring a qualitative change in the lives of the tribesmen and improve the quality of life of the people of Fata.
Participants of the Jirga to include ex-MNA Malik Muhammad Afzal and Moulvi Abdul Akbar apprised the Governor about the problems and development needs of their area. Additional Chief Secretary Fata Javed Iqbal, Secretary to Governor Azmat Hanif and Agency Political Agent Dr Fakhr-e-Alam were also present on the occasion.
Governor Aurakzai observed that lack of educational and employment opportunities for the young generation were some of the reasons for its relative backwardness. "The tribal areas cannot witness a real change unless we remove poverty and provide job opportunities to the youth of Fata," he remarked.
Speaking about the unprecedented development initiatives taken by the present government during the past five years, Governor Aurakzai said federal government was providing the required resources for Development of Fata. He in this regard dispelled the impression that certain NGOs were involved in the development activities in Fata saying that the entire development activities were being carried out by the line departments and the government functionaries.
On a point raised by the Jirga members the Governor said issuance of national identity cards to tribesmen and preparation of electoral rolls would be made easy and accessible. He, however, stressed that the womenfolk should not be deprived of the right of identity cards and enlistment of their names in the voters list. He argued women constitute half of the population and if they were left out then the entire Agency would suffer because the development funds and other benefits were distributed on the basis of population. The Governor asked the Jirga to take a decision after consultation with their people.
Governor Ali Muhammed Jan informed the Jirga that Zakat Ordinance had been extended to Fata and the poor and destitute people would get financial help besides free medicines out of Zakat fund. He said Zakat Council for Fata had already been constituted whereas Zakat committees at Agency and Tehsil level would be formed soon. The Governor appreciated the collective decision of Ali Khel tribe, to refrain from taking part in the conflict of others or allowing groups to use their area for anti-social activities.
He said the tribesmen of other Agencies should also follow suit and enter in to a tribal pledge vowing not to bring the conflicts of other areas to their soil and deny provision of men and material support to any of the rival groups in the neighbouring areas.
The Governor said the President had approved a project for the provision of natural gas to tribal areas and survey in this regard would soon start in Orakzai Agency. He said Fata would be supplied gas from the Gurguri and Karak gas fields. On the demands raised by members of the Jirga the Governor assured that their demands would be examined and accommodated in the ensuing ADP that would be given final shape next month.
The Governor expressed dismay over some tribal disputes over the construction of certain roads in Orakzai Agency and urged the elders to settle the disputes in consultation with the political authorities.
He particularly mentioned the project of Mamozai and Und Khel roads, saying that after completion these roads would bring prosperity to the area. He also assured the jirga that new schemes would be initiated in the water supply sector.

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