Punjab budget promises to overhaul justice system

15 Jun, 2007

The Government of Punjab intends to launch a province-wide programme for increasing and improving justice sector efficiency during 2007-08 through improvement of process and provision of infrastructural support.
As the efficient and fair justice system is vital for development of a vibrant economy, protection of rights of the poor and other disadvantaged groups of society.
During the fiscal year 2007-08, the government has lunched a project, to be financed through federal PSDP under a $350 million loan of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and government of Punjab revenues.
The government will focus on capacity building of police, development of model system for police stations, creation of citizen councils, establishment of judicial academy at Lahore, construction of regional and district offices of police prosecution department, Punjab local justice programme, construction of consumer protection courts, establishment of forensic science agency, establishment of a directorate, training institution for private security personnel, prison management and information system.
The government has embarked on an ambitious reform agenda in four areas including judicial reforms, police reforms, prosecution reforms and legal education reforms.

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