Eni announces new gas discoveries

17 Jun, 2007

Italy energy giant Eni has announced new natural gas discoveries in Pakistan. Eni, through its subsidiaries in Pakistan, is largest foreign gas producer in the country, with a net share of approximately 55,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Eni has been in the country since 2000.
It has interest in 7 producing fields, all with growth potential, and in 12 onshore exploration blocks, 5 of which are operated. Recognising high potential of this area, Eni recently acquired 3 offshore exploration blocks in Indus Delta.
One of its latest successes relates to Tajjal 1 exploration well, which reached new gas in Gambat Exploration Licence, in Sindh province. Gambat Licence is managed by joint venture composed of Eni (30 percent), OMV (35 percent Operator), PPL (30 percent) and GHPL (5 percent). The exploration well has been drilled south of Sawan producing field, reaching total depth of 3,845 m and encountering gas at different sand levels.
Eni recently drilled Kadanwari 18 well, finding a gas-bearing formation at depth of about 3,400 m, in a rock formation independent from main field. "The success of Kadanwari 18 well represents important addition of reserves to main field, and indicates new prospects in area," Italian company said.
Eni (18.42 percent) is Operator of Kadanwari Production lease (with Premier Kufpec Pakistan 31.58 percent and OGDCL 50 percent as partners). It recently drilled Latif 1 exploration well reached total depth of 3,520 m and encountered three hydrocarbon layers. Joint Venture is now considering further appraisal activities to delineate extent of this discovery more accurately.
It is located near Kadanwari producing field, operated by Eni. Joint Venture of Latif Exploration Licence is composed of Eni (33.3 percent), OMV (33.4 percent Operator) and PPL (33.3 percent). To strengthen, expand on its existing activities, Eni plans to invest $170 million in Pakistan in next 3 years, mainly on development activities and $110 million for new exploration.

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