Call for professionals' capacity building in education sector

22 Jun, 2007

Speakers at an inter-provincial conference on "Education and Devolution: Opportunities and Experiences" on Thursday called for capacity of all relevant professional in education sector at three tiers of government to improve education standard.
The conference was held to discuss various issues regarding enhancing awareness and understanding of educational issues at different tiers in context of local government system, by USAID/ESRA (Education Sector Reform Assistance) here.
Minister of State for Education Anisa Zeb Tahirkheli said the Federal government was whole-heartedly co-operating with lower tiers in promotion of education, but owing to lack of awareness or co-ordination, they could not make fully use of it.
She said the Federal government provided education funds to the provinces through proper channel but the concerned officials at district level could not properly handle its utilisation.
Despite issuing several reminders, the lower tiers of the government, sometimes, did not submit their projects in time, thus undermining the efforts for ensuring quality education. Dispelling the misconception about utilisation of budgetary allocations for education sector, she said that authentic figures in this regard were still to come.
She said the government was also diverting more resources to train teachers who played key role in promotion of quality education. She also appreciated the USAID/ESRA for supporting the government efforts in education sector.
USAID/ESRA Director Richard F. Cartier in his welcome address said that ESRA programmes, initiated for supporting Pakistan in education sector, were yielding concrete results.
Other speakers, who included Mushtaq Shahani, Director PITE Sindh; Dr Rasul Bakhash Raisani Pro Vice Chancellor Balochistan University; Dr Rukkhsana Zia, Director, Directorate of Staff Development Punjab; Fawad Shams, Director Professional Development USAID/ESRA, said that subject of professional development should be incorporated into policy.
They said the government should take concrete steps to remove bureaucratic hurdles in the way of professional development, adding that the government should ensure that districts should have special budget for teachers' training and professional development.

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