Pakistan's role in promotion of regional peace vital: Kasuri

23 Jun, 2007

Pakistan believes that interaction and dialogue focusing on security, economic co-operation, solution of disputes and challenges must be accelerated for promoting peace and security in the region, Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri said.
He observed that rapid economic growth and geo-strategic location provide Pakistan an opportunity to play the role of anchor for regional peace and security.
"Pakistan is playing a pivotal role for promotion of regional peace, stability and progress. It is an important part of international community in the campaign against terrorism and promoting regional security and prosperity through a policy of active engagement at the diplomatic level," he stated in a speech at Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
Sharing Pakistan's perspective on peace and security in the region, he said, it is guided by the country's desire for a stable world order based on peaceful coexistence; its determination to defend and promote its vital interest; its efforts to promote development as well as harmony and understanding both at regional and global levels. "We are quite optimistic that in the near future economic linkages at bilateral level as well as between regional groups will create mutually beneficial interdependencies, which will be a win-win for all sides. Such co-operation driven by self-interest will create conditions for promotion of peace and prosperity at the bilateral, regional and global level," Kasuri remarked.
The foreign minister told the gathering at the think-tank that Pakistan has been moving towards promoting mutually beneficial economic linkages across the world and especially in its neighbourhood. It is playing an important role in South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation, Economic Co-operation Organisation, between the Central Asian countries.
Pakistan is an observer at Shanghai Co-operation Organisation as well as pursuing a Vision East Asia policy by joining the Asian Co-operation dialogue, whose meeting the country held in Islamabad last year, signing the treaty of amity and co-operation with Southeast Asia and seeking full dialogue partnership with Asean.
Underlining the creative role Pakistan can play given its strategic location at the crossroads of Gulf, Central Asia, South Asia and West Asia, he said Pakistan provides the shortest route to sea and an energy corridor for all the landlocked but resource-rich countries of Central Asia and Western China. It is also fast emerging as the bridgehead for multiple corridors of co-operation on energy, trade, transportation and tourism.
He informed the audience that the country has completed the Gwader deep seaport just outside the strategically important but narrow strait of Harmuz, vital for world oil supplies from the Gulf and wishes to develop it as a transhipment port. Additionally, he noted, Gwadar provides the shortest route for Central Asia to the outside world. At the same time, Pakistan has undertaken major infrastructure projects for roads and rail transport networks to complement air links with these vital regions.
Kasuri said the indispensability of peace and security in achieving progress and prosperity cannot be denied. To ensure an enabling environment, Pakistan is pursuing a four-pronged approach of dialogue, strategic restraint, strengthening of regional co-operation and enhancing co-operation between different sub regions of Asia. "We are confident that this policy will enhance Pakistan's capacity as an anchor for peace and security in the region."
Highlighting the country's perspective on peace and security in South Asia, the foreign minister said relations between Pakistan and India have substantially improved since November 2003. The two countries are engaged in a composite dialogue, which encompasses talks for resolution of all disputes including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. He said confidence-building measures are means towards an end and underscored that it is essential to address the Kashmir question in order to move towards durable peace in the region. Speaking on the country's relations with Afghanistan, Kasuri said Pakistan would like to see peace and stability on its western borders. "A peaceful and stable Afghanistan is a pre-requisite for regional peace and development," he said, adding that it is also essential for the return of around 2.4 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan.
Although Pakistan-Afghanistan relations have registered a marked improvement in diverse sectors, still the internal situation of Afghanistan is creating pressure on the relationship. Pakistan is determined to follow the policy of positive engagement to address these pressures.
Pakistan, the foreign minister said, condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. "While we believe that military actions against terrorist groups and individuals are effective in short-term, it is important to address the root causes of terrorism to address the issue in the long-term." Peace and stability in the region is inextricably linked with the just resolution of long-standing Palestinian issue. The establishment of an independent Palestinian state is essential to achieve durable peace in the Middle East.
On Iraq, he said, the ground situation in the conflict-hit country is complex and the security environment is preventing any substantive progress in reconstruction. The challenge is to ensure a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural inclusive political system while preserving Iraq's territorial integrity.

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