Pak-Oman microfinance bank signs pact

24 Jun, 2007

An agreement was signed between Pak-Oman Microfinance Bank and ALICQ-AIG Life recently to provide credit protection facility to Pak-Oman borrowers. The objective of the partnership between the two organisations is to ease and protect the obligations of Pak-Oman Microfinance customers in case of an unfortunate event, says a press release.
The signing was commemorated at a ceremony held at ALICO-AIG Life offices in Karachi by Ozair A. Hanafi, President & CEO, Pak-Oman Microfinonce Bank and Arif S. Mufti. Chairman and CEO, ALICO-AIG Life in presence of senior officials of the both organisations. Speaking on the occasion, Hanafi highlighted the importance of providing adequate protection to borrowers/customers of the bank. The synergy between the two leading companies will serve the consumers in this under served segment at a micro level offering valued banking and bank assurance products through one window.-PR

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