Media's role

25 Jun, 2007

It is heartening indeed to note that President General Pervez Musharraf has highlighted the role of the media as a powerful tool of accountability. He said this, according to the reports, while addressing a joint gathering of the PAF and Navy officers at the Air Headquarters in Islamabad.
General Pervez Musharraf also quite rightly has underlined the role which the media, both print and electronic ones, can play in portraying the positive image of Pakistan internationally before the comity of nations.
The President also reiterated his commitment and belief in the freedom of Press. He is reported to have told the gathering that no doubt freedom of Press is essential but it is also the responsibility of media not to create despondency among the masses by publishing some negative stuff all the time but be responsible enough to highlight the issues of national importance only.
One cannot help but endorse the statement of the President. He has reiterated his belief in the freedom of Press and rightly called for realisation of the obligations of the Press towards the nation and the country. Press has an important role to play in safeguarding and promoting the national interests, unity and integrity and pinpointing the evil doers who are out to harm and tarnish the image of the country.
I believe that a responsible media can make the country strong, united and progressive. On the other hand, irresponsible media indulging in yellow journalism and spreading sensationalism is more harmful than an enemy for the people of Pakistan.
It is also encouraging that the process has been started for withdrawal of the PEMRA Ordinance to honour the announcement made by President General Pervez Musharraf in this regard some days back.

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