Economic Survey

25 Jun, 2007

No perfect cool handed biopsy of Economy Survey 2006-07 could have been better performed than that done vide editorial captioned "Improved" Statistics, poor living conditions dated 12th June 2007. The survey followed by the budget is nothing but jugglery of the figures which makes a mockery of the people of the country.
As had been said by you that the biggest failure of government policy has, however, been sharp increase in the prices of items of daily use. More than double-digit rise in food inflation has rendered the life of ordinary people more miserable.
You have put the mirror before Mr. Salman Shah by stating that his assertion of 18 percent rise in food prices world-wide and country's growth rate being fastest in Asia is no consolation to the ordinary people of Pakistan. Last but not the least, people's hard feelings had been reflected through the words in the editorial that a rosy picture of economy given in the Economic Survey cannot trade off against despondency and desperation writ large on people's faces.

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