Partly Facetious: envoy's remarks directed at opposition members

25 Jun, 2007

"The US Ambassador-designate has said that she doesn't see a change in..."
"Stop. Is it to do with Pakistan?"
"Yes, it is."
"Has the Foreign Office asked her to mind her own business and not interfere in our internal affairs?"
"Are they likely to say it?"
"No, and the reason is she said something in favour of the government."
"Well, you can't blame her for that. After all ambassadors main responsibility is to strengthen government to government relations not people to people, if you know what I mean."
"Or such has been our experience."
"That's right."
"So what did she say?"
"She said she doesn't see Musharraf losing power and she doesn't see the imposition of a state of emergency."
"What is the basis of her views?"
"I guess she talked to government officials and..."
"And why would they tell her differently."
"Well, that's right. But in all fairness she may well be right."
"That is true but it would have been better for her to keep mum."
"Hey, her country has dictated our foreign policy post 9/11, and her country has to some extent also dictated our internal policy post 9/11."
"What internal policy?"
"The policy of sending troops and sophisticated weaponry to our border areas with Afghanistan which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds if not thousands..."
"But wouldn't support from the US further undermine the present government's credentials in the eyes of the public."
"I suppose these statements are directed at other opposition members."
"I hear you."

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