Weed control methodologies discussed

27 Jun, 2007

Research scientists discussed chemical, mechanical and cultural weed control methodologies on the second day of the 8th national weed science conference here on Tuesday. The experts noticed that rate of weed losses is 10 to 50 percent in major crops of the country.
The second day session was chaired by Dr Arshad Javed from the department of Mycology and Plant Pathology, University of the Punjab and Muhammad Yaseen, Co-ordinator USAID Afghan Project. Research scientists Imtiaz Khan of the NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar, Haroon Rashid and Muhammad Ishfaq Khan.
The second session of the conference was chaired by Ijaz Ahmed Khan of the University of Agriculture, Peshawar and Ms Rashida Zafar Chairman Department of Botany Lahore College University for Women.
Research scientists Shaukat Ali Abid, M. Naeem Mushtaq and M. Ishfaq made their presentations. Research scholars and students of the Botany Department of GCU Lahore asked various questions from the research scientists pertaining to the subject matter.

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