Partly Facetious: between the quake and the rains...

27 Jun, 2007

"And yet another natural disaster of catastrophic proportions has hit our hapless country. What happened to the special cell that was supposed to be established to deal with such disasters?"
"What special cell?"
"There was talk of one after the earthquake."
"Talk hunh. I bet there will be more talk after these rains."
"Yes, the rains. Between the earthquake and the rains..."
"And don't forget we still haven't recovered from the earthquake. You know the displaced people in Azad Kashmir are still waiting to be rehabilitated. Yes the government has given some money to them but they are still living in tents and..."
"It takes awhile."
"I thought ERRA..."
"Has not yet delivered unfortunately or so the affected people are telling us."
"So who takes care of the rain victims?"
"Not ERRA."
"Well, if not ERRA then who?"
"Well, ERRA is the earthquake agency so they have to establish another one and call it RRRA."
"Wasn't Ra an Egyptian God in the old days and..."
"Don't be facetious."
"It's almost as if the wrath of Allah..."
"Hush, don't say that - you know in this country both sides of the political spectrum may well begin to blame the other for the wrath of Allah if you know what I mean."
"Yes unfortunately I do."
"But why isn't there something done to provide the poor with..."
"There is. It's called cash injections. It does wonders with the budget incidentally. I mean the budget deficit."
"But we need to help the hapless who are subjected to natural disasters and..."
"True and this is the way to go - stop gap measures that are not adequate."

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