Pakistan releases 50 Indian prisoners

02 Jul, 2007

Fifty Indian prisoners were released from Landhi District Jail here on Sunday morning and sent to Wagha border in vehicles of Ansar Burney Trust to hand them over to Indian officials. All expenses to send them to India have been met by Ansar Burney Trust International.
On Monday, the officials of Pakistan's Ministry of Interior and Indian High Commission will hand them over to India in presence of Ansar Burney Trust volunteers. The release of the 50 Indian nationals was made possible because of the cooperation of President Secretariat, Pakistan's Foreign Office and Ministry of Interior and the efforts of Ansar Burney Trust International.
The released prisoners, with tears of happiness in their eyes, said they were thankful to President General Pervez Musharraf and the Ansar Burney Trust International.
Chairman of the Trust, Ansar Burney, thanked President General Pervez Musharraf, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior as well as the Indian High Commission in Pakistan in this regard.
Ansar Burney also thanked the Government of India and stated that across the border, Indian officials, on the request of the Ansar Burney Trust and Pakistan Foreign Office, had released 43 Pakistani prisoners and allowed them to return to Pakistan.
Burney said that Indian prisoners released from the jails were Arvind Chibio, Eshwer Boodhiya, Eshwer Krishna, Mahesh Ramesh, Vasant Govind, Chandoo Naran, Shankar Dharma, Baboo Jathiya, Vasia Madhoo, Ramesh Valia, Nathia Vansia, Sanjay Ramesh, Sanjay Naran, Kamlesh Roopji, Ramesh Kankra, Eshwer Rama, Asif Ali Shah, Sattar Yousuf , Mehmood Kaloo, Farooq Usman, Hassan Kamal, Akbar Dawood, Parsotam Khaya, Fasook Katanji, Hera Arjun, Kana Wasram, YousufUsman, Ramesh Shayam, Ragoo Bhika, Lakam Ram, Hameer Bhika, Mala Naran, Babu Bhima, Kala Zoda, Rama Govinda, Dariya Puma, Karsan menga, Ramji Nathoo, Ramji Baboo, Bhoput China, Sanjay Ramji, Ray Singh, Bhagwan, Baboo Bachu, Vasoo Daya, Dosit Kawear Ji, Nageen Kasoo, Ramesh Shankar, Ramesh Pareema, Dinoo Nageen, and Jignash Vasoo.

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