Insan Foundation Pakistan is going to start signatures campaign on a world's longest banner (10-km) for poverty eradication on 17th World Poverty Day, which would be celebrated first time in the world.
While talking to newsmen here on Saturday, Farah Malik, Programme Manager Insan Foundation Pakistan criticised emphasised on actualisation of the promises made by the government with the international organisations to accomplish millennium development goals by the year 2015 for poverty eradication.
Farah criticised the policies of the government with regard to efforts aimed at eradication of poverty as is evident from heavy taxes on basic commodities like ghee. I A Rehman, Director, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan alleged that increase in budgetary allocations for defence and non-developmental projects will result in aggravation of poverty graph.
Mahar Safdar Ali, MDGs campaign Co-ordinator demanded that in the upcoming elections political parties should define their agenda for the accomplishment of MDGs. Political parties should define their priorities and mechanism in the election campaign about the eradication of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and injustice. Ghaffar Malik provincial co-ordinator from Sindh said that no real steps had been taken.