Demonstrations held against Tancrenado's statement

11 Aug, 2007

Demonstrations were held on Friday in different town of southern Punjab to protest against the presidential candidate Tom Tancrenado's views about bombing on the holy places of Muslims, Mecca and Madina and they demanded breaking ties with USA.
Demonstrators appealed to the people of United States not to exercise their right of vote in favour of such candidate who wanted to create a state of war between crescent and cross and it would trigger further rift between West and Muslims.
Condemning Tom's views, Mufti Hidayat ullah Pasroori provincial chief of JUP said all the Muslims across the world are prepared to defend their holy places and they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives in this regard.
He said, "more than 1.5 billion Muslims will defend their holy places because it was not a sole duty of Saudis only." A resolution was also adopted in All Pakistan "Naat" Conference against the United States, which was presented by Shaikh Muhammad Faheem advocate and more than 2,000 participants endorsed it.
They expressed their anger on Wilder's statement. They resolved, "Government of Pakistan and OIC should lodge a protest to Netherland government on these derogatory and defamatory remarks of Geert Wilders and said that Holy Quran cannot be compared with another book because Holy Quran had complete philosophy of life," What a pity that a Dutch politician compared it with Adolf Hitler's book, 'Mein Kampf,' published in 1925.

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