Pildat launches 'legislative briefs'

30 Aug, 2007

The Pildat has launched its first "legislative briefs" in an effort to help legislators for better understanding the background, significance and impact of proposed legislation. The book on law would contribute to the legislative process leading towards people-oriented legislation.
A Pildat spokesman said on Wednesday that the organisation had launched the legislative brief series, first of its kind in Pakistan under a programme to build a people-parliament bridge engaging citizens with their lawmakers. The key aim of the book is to help citizens for greater and well-informed participation in the parliamentary processes of making law. The first legislative brief covers the 2007 Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Bill.
The book presents a brief overview of legislation in the Parliament provides information on key components of a specific bill will encourage citizens to communicate their views on the legislation under consideration by the Parliament. It would also be helpful to address the prevalent people-parliament disconnection," said the spokesman.

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