An "ear of corn" may one day take on a whole new meaning after South Korean researchers determined that plants are sensitive to sound, New Scientist reports. They hope that farmers may eventually encourage plants to flower or ripen by blasting sound into the fields, the British weekly says in next Saturday's issue.
Mi-Jeong Jeong of the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology in Suwon and colleagues explored a long-standing hypothesis that, as plants react to light and also to touch, they may also respond to sound.
The team set up rice plants in a lab and played them 14 pieces of classical music, including Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata," and monitored various genes to see whether there was any change in activity. The music had no effect, but things changed when the researchers played the plants sounds at specific frequencies, New Scientist says.
Two genes, called rbcS and Ald, became more active at 125 and 250 Hertz, and less active at 50 Hertz. Both genes are known to respond to light, team checked out what happened when the test was repeated in the dark - and found that the two genes still responded to the sound. These genes could be used as sound-sensitive switches to turn on and off other genes that control key plant functions, the researchers hope.