Punjab Assembly passes two bills

05 Oct, 2007

Punjab Assembly Thursday passed the Punjab Forensic Science Agency Bill 2007 (Bill No 16 of 2007) and the Punjab Public Defender Services Bill 2007 (Bill No 13 of 2007). Law Minister Muhammad Basharat Raja tabled both the bills in the house, following suspension of Rule 95 of Punjab Assembly's Rules of Business 1997, under rule 234. Nazar Farid Khokhar was chairing the house.
The Punjab Forensic Agency bill 2007 is aimed at setting up of Provincial Forensic Science Agency which will undertake examinations of all documents, materials, equipment and impressions connected with the commission of an offence and tender expert opinion by using modern techniques. The Agency will also maintain database of a person connected with or accused of crimes as per directions of the government.
The Punjab Public Defender Services bill is aimed at establishing Public Defenders Services to ensure equal protection of law to indigent persons through free legal assistance in the courts.
Earlier, the Punjab Assembly was informed that the use of computer monitors after their conversion into televisions was causing eye diseases and other health hazards. According to a treasury member Sheikh Allauddin, who moved an adjournment motion, certain mafia was engaged in the business to mint money, which needed to be checked.
He said that unhindered assembling of such televisions in the provincial capital and other parts of the province was due to sheer negligence of concerned authorities. The outspoken treasury MPA suggested the government to launch an awareness campaign among masses on the issue and also sought ban on import of used monitors by the federal government.
Provincial Minister for Industries Ajmal Cheema responding to the motion said that the government was aware of severity of the issue and it had already taken action against some people involved in the menace. He said that imposing ban or duty on import of such monitors was responsibility of the federal government.
After the statement of the minister, the chair disposed the motion. During question-answer session, Speaker Punjab Assembly Chaudhry Afzal Sahi directed the provincial departments, specially the health department to ensure proper pursuing of court cases in the public interest.
Lack of interest by authorities of the government departments result in delaying the cases for many years due to which public has to suffer and the violators of the laws get benefit out of it, he said while endorsing views of an opposition member Ehsan-ullah Haq Naulatia. Answering a question, Health Minister Chaudhry Iqbal told the house that Punjab government had spent Rs 42.5 million for purchasing medicines in the year 2006-07.
He said that M/S SJ&G Fazal Elahi Karachi, M/S Ocean Pharma Karachi and M/S Kohinor Industries Sahiwal were found supplying sub-standard medicines and cases have been registered against them.
Ehsan ul Haq Naulatia in a supplementary question said that the health department officials were not properly pursuing court cases against the companies providing substandard medicines to the health department. The Speaker issued directions accordingly. Later the Chair put off the proceedings of the House to meet again on Friday.

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