Bank branch: a plea

05 Oct, 2007

All reputable banks provide spacious area, good air-conditioning atmosphere, sufficient desks of tellers for quick attention of clients and above all priorities for senior citizens at the concourse area for clients handling within the premises of bank.
Unfortunately, Habib Bank Limited, famous for its customer services, is operating one HBL branch in Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Block-18, Karachi, which is suffering space constraints, bad designing of interior decoration, shortage of teller counters and insufficient manpower.
Its mezzanine floor is lying un-utilised and the interior ground space available for public handling is very congested. It has only 3 teller windows available, out of which one at times remains un-manned. Because of space constraint, there is no queue system and public concourse area always remains congested.
Sometimes, HBL account holders intending money transactions are forced to line-up outside the bank building in sweating sun and bear dusty blows of hot wind until some few customers leave.
The air-conditioning system is poor which at times cause suffocation to clients due to rush of people during the first two weeks of each month. On the one hand the clientage of HBL at this branch is growing, but on the other hand HBL is neglecting and denying real banking services environment to its clients.
The problems can be resolved by developing bank's existing mezzanine floor lying un--utilised and extending its ground space by hiring adjacent shops in the building. President, Habib Bank Limited, is requested to pay attention to resolve these long pending problems at this HBL branch to ensure good customer service.

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