Japan to fingerprint foreigners

05 Oct, 2007

Japan said on Thursday it will start fingerprinting and photographing foreign visitors from next month under stringent new security measures that have been criticised by civil rights advocates. The new measures, approved by parliament last year, are expected to take effect from November 20, a justice ministry official said.
All foreigners aged 16 or older will be photographed and electronically fingerprinted when they enter Japan, under a similar system to the one introduced by the United States after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Permanent residents, including ethnic Koreans born in Japan, will be exempt from the law, along with state guests and diplomats. The information will be stored for potential criminal investigations. "Pending the cabinet's approval, the measures will become effective November 20," the ministry spokesman said. The decision is expected to be formalised on Friday.
The government says the measures are necessary to tighten security in Japan, which was alarmed by allegations that French Muslim militant Lionel Dumont entered on a forged passport and raised money for extremists.

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