US mum on Musharraf-Benazir deal

06 Oct, 2007

The White House on Thursday made no comment on an agreement that could lead to a power-sharing deal in Pakistan, and repeated instead its call for "free and fair" elections Saturday in the Asian nation. Thursday's accord is "a matter for the Pakistanis to decide," said Gordon Johndroe.
Regarding Saturday's vote and general elections in early 2008 - which could usher in a new Bhutto administration, the spokesman said the "US wants to see free and fair elections."
Concerned over the fate of Musharraf while he faces his worst political crisis since taking office and escalating attacks by extremists, Washington has been pressing for a power-sharing deal and for strengthening a moderate political force in Pakistan. While a second term as president is practically a given for Musharraf, its not so clear his party will obtain the needed majority in parliament in the 2008 elections to keep him at the government's helm.

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