KWSB urged to increase water supply to Site

07 Oct, 2007

Site industrialists have urged the government to make efforts to improve water supply in Site industrial area. Talking to Business Recorder, Rafiq Bashir an industrialist of the area said that total requirement of the area was around 30 mgd, whereas Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) was supplying six-seven mgd water per day which even did not fulfill 25 percent of the total water requirement of the area.
He said that the government had allocated 22 mgd water for the industries in Karachi out of additional 100 mgd to be supplied to the city after completion of K-3 project and Site area was to get 6 mgd more water under this arrangement. This was in addition to allocated quota of eight mgd fixed by the previous governments, he added.
After commissioning of the K3, water supply position had improved slightly and now the supply was ranging between six-seven mgd in comparison to last year's supply of three-four mgd, he said.
He said that due to persisting acute water shortage industrialists had no choice but to purchase water from tankers which was expensive and the water quality was also poor. Bulk water-consuming industry, such as textile processing, suffered most as poor quality water, supplied by tankers, destroyed textile processing procedure and quality of cloth, he added.

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