Phone faults

07 Oct, 2007

PTCL Exchange at Gulistan-e-Jauhar, Karachi is completely messed up with lack of attention and ignorance to customer services, negligence of duties and mismanagement.
Telephone faults repeatedly recorded through PTCL numbers 18 followed by their written reporting by subscribers are not being attended, as a result hundreds of thousands of telephone faults at the said PTCL exchange ate pending unrectified for months, causing great inconvenience to PTCL subscribers.
The Divisional Engineer of Gulistan-e-Jauhar Telephone Exchange is neither telephonically nor physically accessible by the subscribers. He has deputed one Assistant Engineer at Reception of the said Exchanges, who is most discourteous, dictatorial and inefficient in customer handling.
He does not allow subscriber access to DE even in emergency cases and the telephone faults registered with him for 10-15 times are not attended and remain unresolved. As PTCL No 18 for seeking rectification of telephone faults is good for nothing, subscribers line up sweating at PTCL Jauhar Exchange from morning till afternoon and repeat the same drill again and again without proper attention.
It is observed that telephone faults are rectified only by two methods, ie one through some approach/referral of government's high official and second by gratification. The line rent of faulty/non-functional telephone is still being fully charged to subscribers while it is not in service.
The President PTCL Islamabad and Director General PTCL Karachi are requested to take note of the matter and arrange remedies to subscribers suffering from various telephone faults at Gulistan-e-Jauhar Telephone Exchange, Karachi.

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