PM&E cell functioning suffers as key posts lying vacant

07 Oct, 2007

The Project Monitoring and Evaluation Cell (PM&E) established in the communication ministry could not function fully as most of its positions at senior level are still lying vacant, sources told Business Recorder here on Saturday.
They stated that the supporting staff for the two-year-long project started in July 2007 has been appointed while key posts of director general, two directors for monitoring evaluation and planning along with two deputy directors are yet to be filled.
Sources said funds of Rs 0.48 million for first quarter (July-September 2007) have been released and utilised but the amount for second quarter (October-December 2007) has not been released. They said the project was, in principle, approved by the Planning and Development Division while its PC-1 with total cost of Rs 39.5 million was approved by the Departmental Development Working Party (DDWP).
The main objective of the PM&E Cell is to monitor the ongoing development projects executed by the attached departments of the ministry like National Highway Authority (NHA), National Transport Research Center (NTRC), Construction Machinery Training Institute (CTTI), etc, they maintained.
They said the cell will review the achievements against the planning of the mega projects executed by the attached departments and will also give suggestions for accelerating the pace of work in case the projects could not be completed within the stipulated time.

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