Benazir backs Citizen's Group proposals on election reforms

08 Oct, 2007

Former Prime Minister and Chairperson of the Pakistan People's Party Benazir Bhutto has welcomed the proposals by the Citizens' Group on Electoral Process (CGEP), a group consisting of eminent Pakistanis from the fields of law, judiciary, media, academics and research with the help of Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT), on proposed electoral reforms.
In a statement on Sunday she said the PPP endorsed the proposals including real-time posting of polling station-wise results on the Election Commission's website and that local governments be made dysfunctional from the date of announcement of election schedule till the finalisation of election results.
In place of dysfunctional nazims and naib nazims, administrators belonging to the civil bureaucracy should be appointed during the period. The Group has urged the Election Commission to exercise control, superintendence and discipline on the staff assigned to it for election duty.
The CGEP also said that key proposals such as appointment of a consensus Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and a recommendation that the post of the CEC should not necessarily be filled from the judiciary, but by persons of repute from any field.

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