Students' warfare disturbs environment in Sindh University

08 Oct, 2007

People of Sindh are extremely worried at the present warfare inside the University of Sindh between some political groups, that has disturbed the university environment and postponed the midterm examinations thereby disturbing the whole academic year, according to a statement of SDF issued here on Sunday.
The statement said: "For far too long the parents, the concerned citizens of Sindh and the people in general have kept silent at the shenanigans of the worthless student politics in our universities, in which a few criminals and some dying political groups are exploiting student politics for their survival and personal vested interests."
The statement said that for too long the civil society has seen empty sloganeering and pointless agitation while a whole generation of Sindhi youth was wasted. Behind this fruitless exercise people of Sindh have seen crime penetrating the university campuses taking shelter behind student politics that has given rise to Bhattakhori and criminal activities, it added. It said that the Sindhi nation has come to the end of its patience and the intervention of the civil society is now imperative.
"All politics parties should announce end of student politics inside university campuses and a new system should be introduced in which bright students of each department and institutes be made class representatives who together should constitute a forum to plan healthy student activities," the statement said and added that the universities' administration and teachers should address the genuine needs and problems of the student community on merit and priority basis.
It further said while the public Universities of Sindh have a long way to go before becoming ideal universities, the initial steps taken like entry tests and compulsory student attendance, have to some extent improved the quality of education imparted. The latest step taken by the University of Sindh in which all teachers will be graded by students is an extremely welcome move that is likely to improve teacher performance which the civil society has been demanding for a long time, it added.
The statement said with these steps it is hoped that the university education in our motherland will reach internationally accepted standards of quality education that will prepare our children for the stringent demands of the global competitive challenges of learning and of employment market.

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