Historical site conservation law approved

08 Oct, 2007

The Punjab cabinet on Sunday has approved the law for protection and conservation of historical places in the province that will effectively reconstruct and preserve the sites under the government's regulation programme.
The cabinet also approved a law for improving the marketing system to help bringing stability in prices and providing the farmers with their due return.
The cabinet while greeting the President, General Pervez Musharraf on his success in the presidential elections praised him for promoting democracy and socio-economic development in the country.
Further, he said that the nation and the international community have lauded Musharraf and hoped that the continuity of his development policies during next the five years would further prosper the nation.
The cabinet meeting presided over by the Punjab Chief Minister (CM), Chawdhry Pervaiz Elahi at Chief Minister's Secretariat, expressed satisfaction over the peaceful holding of presidential election throughout the country.
The CM while appreciating the unity among the legislators said that their enthusiastic participation in the elections was commendable. The cabinet further said that traders and businessmen have rejected the APDM's strike call, as they wanted progress and prosperity in their trade and business..
Elahi said that the thumping success of Musharraf in the presidential election would further strengthen country's political and economical condition. He said that people's mandate in the next general elections will consolidate the Pakistan Muslim League (PML) adding that the government had generated maximum opportunities of business and industrialisation, during the last five years.
Elahi also said that the governmental measures on law and order and police reforms had produced positive results and crime ratio reduced substantially due to the highway police patrolling posts.
The CM further informed the cabinet that a crime emergency centre was being established with a special phone number, 1122 where on receiving a complaint the concerned police station and police patrolling post would be informed within two minutes for immediate action.
The Chief Secretary, Salman Siddique, Chairman P&D Suleman Ghani, Senior Member Board of Revenue, Safdar Javed Syed and IG Police Ahmed Nasim were also present in the meeting.

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