Sindh Secretariat attendance remains thin before Eid

09 Oct, 2007

Attendance in the Sindh Secretariat and attached offices remained thin on Monday as officials have begun to proceed on Eid holiday. A visit to the Sindh Secretariat showed that from clerical to mid-level officers have proceeded on leaves anticipating Eid on Saturday and an announcement of Friday as local holiday.
If Eid falls on Sunday, the people y would have on leave on Monday as a local holiday. In both the cases those who have already left for their homes would have holidays for at least eight days. An officer said that it was a good break for officials, who live away from their homes and get little opportunity to spend vacations with their families.
He said that disposal of public cases were already pending at different stages in government offices. Much of the work has suffered because of uncertain political activities in the country, and many more times of that would suffer as officers have proceeded on leave much before Eid holidays.
He said that when they come back it would be 'Eid Milan' and Eid felicitation time. It would continue for at least one week. "The Eid brings two weeks of idleness," he added. The officer said that the lower staff does not proceed on leave in general. It is difficult for them to afford huge travelling expenses for the entire family and remain away from their offices.
He said that proceeding on leave means loss of some extra money that comes in the form of Eidi on Eid and following three to four days. "At an average, a peon in the revenue department collects Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000 in three days after Eid. The position in police, home and excise and taxation departments is no different than that of the revenue department. But, it all depends in which branch a peon is posted."

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