Consumers protest against price hike trends

09 Oct, 2007

A large number of consumers gathered at the Consumer Association and "The Network' offices on Monday, resolved on strong activist networking as a means to strong protest against price-hike and rising prices of goods that has made their life unpleasant as well as intolerable.
Advocate Kaukab Iqbal who was the main speaker on the occasion informed the gathering about laws, which could protect the consumers if faithfully implemented.
He mentioned two laws such as Price Control Act, the Prevention of Hoarding Act, and said these were laws passed by the Parliament. The law provides for the post of a Director General Price Control who did not appear to be doing his duty, 'Prices rise on a daily basis, and vary from one shop to another. The shop keeper increases the price of item at his sweet will. Where is the check?
Kawkab Iqbal said that consumers could file a written complaint to the session judge but many of us fail in this duty to report such matters and the pressure of rising keep on building upon the common man.
The audience was also informed that the Chief Commissioner has the authority to control prices with the aid of a Council established by law but no law has been implemented to provide relief to Consumers.
Media representative Munir Ahmad suggested strong net working in the civil society so that they could agitate the issue enough to reach the ears of the President and the Prime Minister to press on them to act.
Two ladies taking part in the proceeding suggested TV channels should allocate a part of the channel to discuss the issue of price hike to bring the issue and thus save consumers.
A lawyer present on the occasion said that actually the grower was not getting any out of the price hike. It is the middle-man who has to be handled not that we should starve him but he should act reasonably. A suggestion was floated that nazims in the rural areas should handle his responsibility and arrange for purchase of goods at fair prices.

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