Government criticised for rising prices

10 Oct, 2007

The Pakistan People's Party Parliamentarians on Tuesday took the government to task in National Assembly over the mounting prices of daily edible items. At a special debate on general commodities price hike, PPPP members criticised the government for its failure to give any relief to the consumers, even during Ramazan.
In response, the treasury members defended government position, saying that unprecedented relief had been given by the government, including subsidies on a number of consumer items, increase in salaries of government servants and private workers, establishment of increased number of Utility Stores outlets and provision of sound job opportunities through different programs.
Fouzia Wahab, of PPP, said that the government has badly failed to give any relief to the people despite its tall claims, due to which the lower and middle classes of the society were in miserable condition.
"It is an irony that the government is claiming of prosperity and progress, but the fact is that income of a significant portion of the population is less than one dollar a day," she said, adding that the government had also failed in breaking the poverty net during the last five years.
Yaseem Rehman, of PPPP, said that the rosy picture, which the government had painted, negated the ground realities.
Zafar Ali Shah said that the parliament was totally ineffective and had no role to play in providing relief to the people. "Rather, it is being used to strengthen dictatorship for the last five years." He said that institutions needed to be re-designed, otherwise the ongoing poverty could not be controlled.
Shamim Siddiqi, Minister for Communication, said that the government had allocated record amount of funds of Rs 520 billion for the development sector, which had direct impact in reducing poverty. He also claimed that there was stability in the political system. "Terrorism and extremism are the main threat to the country, for which all political parties need to evolve an effective strategy," he viewed.
M P Bhandara of ruling Pakistan Muslim League claimed that only continuation of President General Pervez Musharraf's policies could ensure prosperity and progress. As per World Bank reports, he said, there was 23 percent poverty in the country as compared to 30 percent in 1999, and its credit went to the President and Prime Minister for pursuing better policies and good governance.

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