Disaster management courses: Peshawar University signs MoU with GTZ

10 Oct, 2007

The University of Peshawar, German Technical Co-operation (GTZ) and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have singed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work together on initiation of Postgraduate Diploma Course in Disaster Preparedness and Management.
In the first phase, and to establish Disaster Preparedness and Management Studies Centre/Department, in second phase, at the University of Peshawar.
Vice Chancellor University of Peshawar, Dr Muhammad Javed Khan, Christian Muller of GTZ, and ICIMOD Country Director Dr Inayat Ullah signed the MoU here in the Committee Room.
All the three parties agreed to work jointly for human resource development, advocacy, awareness and undertake research studies through imparting short-term and long-term courses.
The objectives of the establishment of this Department are to impart training and transfer knowledge to the faculty, students, and staff of relevant departments.
It was agreed that the University of Peshawar would undertake a comprehensive in-house review of the faculty that would be available for the Disaster Management Centre/Department, while ICIMOD would serve as a technical agency for the project, and provide technical support to the project and will also provide technical material in bulk as per requirements of the students/faculty.
ICIMOD would also facilitate establishment of linkages between national research programmes with the regional/ global programmes and besides providing technical support for field research it would also organise exposure visits of the faculty.
It was also decided that GTZ would provide technical experts and advice to the project as per needs and beside monitoring the project activities for ensuring quality, it would assist University of Peshawar in developing linkages of the project with other projects and institutions based in Germany.

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