Opposition urged to shun politics of agitation

11 Oct, 2007

Secretary General Pervez Musharraf Himayat Tehrik, Muhammad Shar Khan Amazi has asked the opposition parties to shun politics of agitation and play their due role for the progress and prosperity of the country.
In a press statement issued here on Wednesday, Shar Khan Amazi said that President Pervez Musharraf has extricated the country out of a quagmire and put on track of development and stability. The opposition parties, he continued, if wanted development of the country in real terms, should support the policies of President Pervez Musharraf and strengthen his hands.
The whole nation, he added, sees President Musharraf as a hero and are hopeful that under his guidance and leadership the country would soon become a developed and prosperous country. Secretary General Pervez Musharraf Himayat Tehrik said that national reconciliation is the need of the hour and therefore all the opposition parties should work for forming unit among their ranks.
He said reconciliation of political leaders with army personnel is not a new concept in the history of the country. In the past, he continued leaders of different campaigns including PNA, MRD, ARD and MMA remained in contact with military generals. He said that a large number of people are joining Musharraf Himayat Tehrik, which speaks of the popularity of Pervez Musharraf among common people.

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