Honouring the commitment

11 Oct, 2007

The appointment of the two Army Generals should silence the critics of General Pervez Musharraf as they have all along been indulging in unjustified criticism and opposing him as the uniformed President.
General Pervez Musharraf is a man of commitment and the new appointments in the Army amply prove his good intentions that he is going to honour his commitment and doff the Army Chief uniform.
By moving into the President's House in Islamabad from the Army House in Rawalpindi, General Pervez Musharraf will not be becoming the civilian President but also be able to ensure continuation of his policies and programmes which he had introduced and initiated during his 8 years rule at the helm of national affairs for the welfare and well-being of the people.
Those who have been opposing General Pervez Musharraf throughout while he remained busy in working for taking Pakistan forward as progressive, prosperous and integrated country, should now start thinking afresh on what grounds they are now going to criticise the civilian President.
Criticism is very easy and so is destruction but construction and working in the right direction is pretty difficult task which General Pervez Musharraf has so far been doing unmindful of baseless criticism from the Opposition.

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